Most of the people think why to choose the wedding photographers who charge more over the cheaper one that providing the same deliverables? Why choose the expensive wedding photographers that offering you 300-500 high res photos instead of the one that offers the whooping 800-1000 for the fraction of the price? These are the common confusions which a groom or a bride face while choosing a best wedding photographers chandigarh.
You pay for the experience not for the gadgets.
Photography is an art. Cinematic experience comes gradually. Everyone starts from a basic price. Even we charge less amount in the starting so that we can fill our portfolio. Every wedding photographer exactly follow the same pattern. This experience makes us best.
New wedding photographers can make plenty of mistakes than experienced one.

Good in editing wedding pictures or video
A photographer’s job does not end at clicking the pictures. They have to be edited and developed as well. If you hire someone who is untrained or is a family member, they wouldn’t know how to edit or remove the red eyes or improve the lighting etc. Only a professional candid photographer will be able to help you out there.
What experience they have in the past
A wedding photographers chandigarh with an experience of music videos, movies, commercial have a good sense of camera angles. An experience guy can shoot your wedding as a movie with creative angles and a skills of editing can be a plus point. Most of the big names charge a lot of money but they never check what their team shot. Simply they forward the project to editor. Finally an overload editor took the footage and cut the project as he wish to!

In terms of delivery. A layman don’t know what has to be done with the wedding. Lots of wedding photographer chandigarh charge a lot of money but when I comes to services/deliverables they ask client to handover the hard-disk. A guy who is spending more than 5+ lakhs rupee, he should not to be ask for a hardisk, delivery charges of albums, wait for the output videos files and ignoring clients calls.
WeClickStories is the best wedding photographers chandigarh. After finalising the service charges. We share a document with client having all the deliverables and time delivery. Our creative head TonyRCs and Yash have a wide knowledge of music videos, movies and video commercials. TonyRCs have produce lots of hit music videos and worked with multiple music artist from USA including a big name CardiB. He knows how to get a good output because of having a wide knowledge of film cameras, Video Editing, color grading and visual effects.
Kindly let us know your requirements.